
Tel: +39 095311178



Location: Piazza Stesicoro, 3 Ang  Via Etnea 123 (Ingresso check-in Via Neve 7) -  95131 Catania, Italia



easyjet holidays


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CIR -  Codice Identificativo Regione Sicilia: 19087015C100492. CIN - Codice Identificativo Nazionale : IT087015C1MJ9N358I

Privacy & GDPR Regulation​

Privacy e Regolamento GDPR

GDPR, officially regulation (UE) n.2016/679, is a regulation of the European Union with regard to personal information and privacy.
With this regulation, the European Commission intends to strengthen and standardise personal information protection for citizens of the European Union and residents of the European Union, both within and outside the borders of the European Union (EU).
The text, adopted on 27 April 2016, was published in the European Official Journal on 4 May 2016 and came into force on 25 May of the same year. It began to be definitively effective on 25 May 2018.
This document also addresses the issue of exporting personal data outside the EU and obliges all data controllers (also having their registered office outside the European Union) who process data of residents of the European Union to observe and fulfil the obligations envisaged. The main objectives of the European Commission are to give back to citizens the control of their personal data and to simplify the regulatory environment concerning international affairs by unifying and making the privacy legislation within the EU homogeneous. Since its entry into force, GDPR has replaced the contents of the Data Protection Directive (Directive 95/46 / EC) and, in Italy, repealed the provisions of the code for the protection of personal data (dlgs.n. 196 / 2003).

B&B Stesicoro and booking engine respect your ability to make informed choices about the collection and uses of your personal information. This privacy policy tells you about our online collection and uses of information that identifies you personally so that you can make an informed choice about using this site. By using this website, you understand and agree that:

-- the information collected from this site may be retained for 12 months, and may be stored, accessed, and used in jurisdictions whose privacy laws may be different and less protective than those of your home jurisdiction;

-- Fisheyes Ltd will not use any information gathered for purposes such as direct marketing. Nor will your information be disclosed to unauthorised third parties.

-- The web site uses a third party online booking system hotel for which B&B Stesicoro obtain a license for the booking engine . Your credit card details are required as guarantee for your reservation (no money will be debited until after the arrival date i.e. when you pay on departure) your details may be subjected to checks by the necessary payment processors, whose privacy policies and practices ensure the integrity of your data. booking engine which we use on our hotel/accommodation website uses PCI-DSS Encryption and has completed the Security Standards Council Level-2 Service Provider certification which is compliant with GDPR.